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Prin Mriga 30ml Fragrance

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Prin Mriga 30ml Fragrance
  • Brand: PRIN
  • Fragrance: PRIN Mriga

Fragrance Details

Class: Aromatic, Citrus, Conifer, Earthy, Fresh, Fresh Spicy, Green, Musky, Powdery, Woody
Notes: Deer musk accord, Lime, Fir Balsam, Black Spruce, Grass, Cade, Oakmoss, Indian Oud, Vetiver, Nargamotha, Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine Absolute, Costus, Wormwood, Labdanum, Peat

*** Not contain any animal product, Deer musk made from synthetics accord ***

Perfumer: Prin Lomros

Mriga , Sanskrit for deer

มฤค, Thai ( derived from Sanskrit ) for deer

Based on idea of precious Kasturi Mriga (Indian Deer Musk) and its habitat around Himalayas along with Aphrodisiacs flowers (Jasmine, Rose) seducing into the darkest part of Himalayas in the realms of twilight zone.